At Citipost Mail it is our policy to protect and promote, so far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety, and welfare of all its employees, visitors and others who may be affected by its activities in accordance with the legal requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. This policy has been developed proportional to and considering the nature and type of our business undertakings, company size and geographical area in which we provide our services.
Citipost Mail’s policy is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment, and systems of work for all our staff and to provide information, training, and supervision as it is needed for this purpose. We are committed to continuous reviews and improvements considering new legislation and changes within our work practices.
We recognise our duty, so far as is reasonably practicable:
We also recognise:
To help us achieve our objectives, employees are encouraged to make a positive contribution to health and safety matters, we will consult and actively involve staff on policy matters, practices, and procedures. Under health and safety legislation whilst at work, employees are informed of their duty to take reasonable care for themselves and for others who might be affected by their activities. This is achieved by explaining their duty and setting out our company health and safety rules in an Employee Safety Handbook which is made available to every member of staff employed by us.
All relevant health and safety information will be communicated to Citipost Mail’s employees using appropriate methods. Employees are required to read and understand this policy and necessary amendments which may be made. This policy is reviewed annually.
Lesley Yeomans – Deputy Managing Director
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